We've added a Suilama Merch button on our website that directs to a shop created by one of our community members. Please note, the the developer has no control over this merch store, as it is entirely community-driven. If you have any ideas to help increase exposure and benefit yourself, feel free to contact us at contact@lamabsc.com.
LAMA doesn’t walk, it spits—on weak hands, on FUD, and on anything that stands in its way. Built different, powered by pure community, and charging full speed through Binance Smart Chain.
No brakes, no mercy, no looking back. The herd is strong, the hype is real, and LAMA isn’t stopping for anyone.
Get in, or get spit on.
Total Supply: 420,000,000 LAMA
LAMA has a 5% tax for marketing, development, and buybacks. Later, the tax goes to zero, and the contract will be renounced.
LP tokens are locked, with extensions added months before unlock.